At Somerset Studio School we believe it is essential to provide a specialist, supportive and challenging curriculum for all students. We offer a range of academic and vocational qualifications. We are committed to ensuring that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), receive their right to a high quality, accessible and specialist curriculum. 

Provide each student with an ambitious curriculum.

Recognise everyone as an individual and promote self confidence.

Identify, assess, record and review the progress of students with special educational needs.

Work collaboratively as a teaching team to respond to the special educational needs of each student.

 Implement advice from relevant external specialists. 


When students start at Somerset Studio School we conduct baseline tests from the GL Assessment suite.  We use the New Group Reading Test, New Group Spelling Test and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CATS4).  These tests give us important information about literacy skills and preferred learning styles. The results are used alongside information from the student's previous school and our own observations.

If additional needs are identified the student will begin to receive support from the SEND Department led by the SENDCO, Tracey Hunt.  The SENDCO co-ordinates provision for all students.  Support is offered across all four broad areas of need: Cognition and Learning, Communication and interaction, Social Emotional and Mental Health and Physical and Sensory.  

Students who have identified needs and require additional support are placed on our school SEND record.  We use a platform called Edukey to support with the implementation of the graduated approach.

Reports and Policies

SEND Information Report 

SEND Governors report 

SEND Policy

Information and services available to young people can be found at:

BANES Local Offer

Somerset Local Offer

Wiltshire Local Offer

Our SEND Team

SENDCO : Mrs T Hunt

Deputy SENDCO: Ms L Bates

Assistant SENDCO: Ms C Ansell